Friday, March 16, 2007

hand washing??

well hello. i don't really have anything exciting going on, but i thought i would share a story from school. i have been subbing all over idaho falls and today i was at skyline high school. i was teaching u.s. government to seniors. okay - let me clarify. i ran technical support for the video the teacher left for the students. very little teaching actually recquired. i was feeling bored so i had the students write a quiz from the video they watched and then give it to another student in the class. it was great. anyway, in one of my classes one of the students told me he wanted to shake my hand. i told him no. he then asked why i wouldn't shake his hand. i used the excuse that he had gone to the restroom at the beginning of class and i couldn't be sure he washed his hands. he feigned offense and then offered me his other hand and told me it would be clean! ahhhhhhhhh - i did not need to know that. i had to walk away because i was laughing. needless to say i still did not shake his hand! i hope you all had wonderful weeks. i will keep random stories coming - the kids are highly entertaining!

p.s. - does anyone know how to multiply fractions using addition? some students had a worksheet monday and i didn't know how to do it so i had to show them the way i learned.
for example: 1 1/2 x 6= 6 + 3 = 9.
i finally figured that one out, but how in the world do you do it if both are fractions?

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