Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Family Picnic

Hello everyone,
Greetings from beautiful (and dry) Idaho Falls. I think this is the first year that I truly appreciate the glory of Idaho summer. It is fantastic, a little warm some afternoons, but dry and cool in the morning and evening. Lovin it!

Since no one else (Andrea...Cindy...) have taken any action on a family picnic, I will try to put something together. How about Saturday, July 28 in the late afternoon/early evening? Location to be determined, please share any ideas you may have (Heise, Tautphaus Park). I will contact non-blogger relatives (Uncles Bob and Chuck, et al). We can make it a bring your own food, casual picnic.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Major Opposition? Please share.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Aloha in Hawaii

We just returned from a wonderful trip to Maui! Denver, Anja, and I went along with Nikki and my mom and dad. We had a great time. Anja loved playing on the beach. We were able to play on the beach every morning. I am still washing sand out of her swim suits.

Being there brought back memories of when most of our family was there with Grandma. When we went to the 'Iao Valley, I remembered being there with Uncle George and the Wilkerson cousins. I couldn't remember being there, but as soon as we drove up to the parking lot, I immediately remembered Uncle George. Don't ask me why I specifically remember Uncle George, but I do.

Nikki and I also commented on the "falic stone," and how Andrea was the one to point out what that was to all of us. We were commenting on this trip to my mom how for some reason the Wilkersons knew about "certain things" before we did. The funny thing was that my mom had to ask us on this trip just what a falic stone was. We all had a chuckle about that.

We had so much fun. Anja is such a great traveler. She loved every minute we were there. None of us were too excited to leave.

I have also posted a short video of Anja playing in the waves at a beach just outside our condo. I have also put a couple comments on Andrea's posts - about Jackson, etc. I just wanted to make sure she reads them.

Fun On The Beach

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I am excited to share with everyone that Steve and I are having another boy! This pregnancy has not been the easiest, so I hope that it is not a sign of what is to come. I had the next worst thing next to child birth---Kidney stones. Now I can sympathize with my dad who has had them more than once, OUCH! I am glad to hear everyone is doing well. I will be in town while the Wilkersons are home, so lets get together! Love to all!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Hello everyone,

I hope you all have a great 4th of July celebration. Here's a picture of Sara, instead of dressing in red, white, and blue, she dressed in red, blue, and yellow--Ecuador's colors. You can take Harry out of Ecuador, but you can't take Ecuador out of Harry!! I will be in Idaho from July 11 to August 8. Hopefully some of us can get together soon.

Love to all,


Sunday, July 1, 2007

This is so embarrassing

Hi everyone,

I'm writing again because I'm at home now, sitting next to Reed, who is going to give me a remedial lesson in posting photos to this site. I know, I know, 9-year-old children know how to do this and I don't . . . but let's just all remember that Grandma made it through more than 94 years of life without learning how to operate a basic tape recorder!

Just wanted to share a few recent photos of Olivia.

Happy July,
